“Here comes Peter Cotton Tail, hopping down the Bunny Trail, hippity, hoppity, Easter’s on its way.”
Residents at MVNRC were invited to dye hardboiled eggs in the Grande Room on March 28, 2024. The project included the dyeing of 10 dozen eggs, which the residents completed within an hour. Activity and Dietary staff provided the residents with cups of egg dye, eggs, trays for the eggs to dry on, and assistance as needed during this project.
The residents were happy that they could continue their tradition of dyeing eggs before Easter morning. The residents were smiling, laughing, and conversing as they watched their eggs turn from white into brightly colored eggs. After the eggs dried, they were collected by staff to be refrigerated.
A colored egg will appear on residents’ meal trays on Easter. A special “thank you” to the residents who participated in this project, which will put a smile on residents’ faces on Easter.