Maximizing the efficiency and comfort of your home


Maximizing the efficiency and comfort of your home
01 October 2019

Maximizing the efficiency and comfort of your home

Considering Downsizing

At some point, everyone needs help in organizing particular aspects of their lives. There are well-trained professionals who can assist in. They can work with you on deciding what items in your home or closet may be donated to charities, and then get these items to them for the benefit of others. This is especially important if you are considering downsizing. There is assistance available if you want paperwork transferred to digital files, photographs edited and displayed creatively, paperwork organized and placed in files to easily locate, or important documents shredded. Just ask your senior center for referrals. Simplicity and balance can be achieved in your life.


P.S. Seniors can get assistance with balancing checkbooks, doing budgets, and computer research, in addition to tech support with problems relating to computers, tablets, or phones.


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