Mix & Match Day

Special Event

Mahoning Valley Nursing & Rehabilitation CenterMVNRC” had a special event.  Tuesday was Mix n Matchday, the staff definitely hit this one good.  Never heard of Mix & Matchday?  Well, it’s a day that often celebrated a lot in elementary schools where children wear clothes and shoes that don’t match.  The key to this is to make it fun and try to be original.  So everyone at MVNRC took the idea and made it fun for all the residents to enjoy along with the staff.

The staff was walking around in “mix & match” clothing, residents enjoyed a Cake Walk with lots of goodies from The Dietary Department. We had a full circle plus waiting for their chance at a treat. Everyone won!

Come back to see what else we have in store for the rest of the week.

So who did it best??


Chopped Returns to MVNRC for Its 2nd Year!!!

Chopped Returns to MVNRC for Its 2nd Year!!!

MVNRC 2nd Year for CHOPPED event.

See Who Gets Chopped!

Mahoning Valley Nursing and Rehabilitation Center had its 2nd Annual Chopped Competition that took place on Wednesday, September 20th, 2017.


The competition is a truly exciting and fun competition where contestants, staff members, compete in a three-round contest. The contestants attempt to incorporate unusual combinations of ingredients into dishes that are later evaluated by a panel of judges. (Sounds exciting right?)

At the beginning of each round (Appetizer, entrée, and dessert), the contestants are each given a basket containing mystery ingredients and are expected to use all of them in some way. The ingredients are often not commonly prepared together. (Let your imagination run wild with you there.) The contestants are given access to a pantry and cooler stocked with a variety of other ingredients utensils to make their masterpieces. Let the fun and food begin.

Did we mention each round has a time limit? (tick, tock, time counts) The time limit may vary from 20 to 30 mins per round. (Sounds like a TV cooking show, right?) The contestants must cook their dishes and complete the plates before the time runs out. (tick, tock,) Once the time has expired, the judges critique the dishes based on presentation, taste, and creativity and select one team to be “Chopped”– Eliminating them from the competition.

Sounds like the folks at Mahoning Valley Nursing and Rehabilitation know how to have a good time, with some good food. The “Chopped” event is a fun example of how Mahoning Valley Nursing and Rehabilitation. It provides exciting events to interact with residents in a game that makes memories and draws residents and staff closer. We hope to see you there next year. Take a look at some of the great pictures from the event. If anyone has any questions about the event or wants to take a tour of the facility, please stop by or call 570-386-5522 for more information.