Journaling can be a creative and stimulating outlet for older adults



Journaling can be a creative and stimulating outlet for older adults, and when combined with scrapbooking, it can get even better. There are beautiful blank journals available that are large enough to incorporate stickers, pasted pictures, old theater tickets, or other scrapbook mementos. The journal part comes in when you write creatively about the memories and the feelings these items elicit in you. You may even develop a goal or a future plan as a result of getting in touch with these feelings. Putting pen to paper and telling your journal your innermost thoughts can help you address anxieties in a gentle way or help you focus on something you have been putting off.


P.S. Writing in a journal can act as a catharsis and help regulate your emotions.



Even if you have never picked up a paintbrush in your life, it doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy painting and even be great at it. Painting is subjective. Some people love Picasso while others like Michelangelo. Beauty is different for everyone. A skilled art teacher will soon have you understanding that it is all good and it is about the pleasure of doing it. Your mind relaxes as you set up your easel and take out your paints. The teacher explains what he or she is hoping you will get out of the class and how you are going to go about it. Then the magic happens, and the creative side of your brain takes over.


P.S. A painting class will inspire you to look at the colors and shapes of your surroundings with more attention and see the beauty in unexpected places.