How was butter made in the old days?

Today the residents go back in time and make their own butter.

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Dietary staff provided all that was needed along with some homemade corn muffins to try on once we were done.

Each resident had a small container of heavy whipping cream and used their muscles to shake until it turned into butter.  Once turned, we were able to have it on a muffin and boy o boy was it tasty.

We reminisced on how they all remembered making it on the farm.  Bertha was quick to come saying, “I will show you how to make real butter.” Lamonte and Isabelle even had to milk their cows first for the cream and used a butter churn to make big batches at a time.  

Helena was a little worried about its taste since we didn’t put salt in it, but she was pleasantly surprised. Mary is from Brooklyn and reminded us that she couldn’t have cows on the subway.

Hope you enjoy the pictures of our fun afternoon as much as we did making and eating it.  Thanks to the Dietary staff for the use of their strong arms also to help us.