On October 30th at 4PM, the doors opened allowing children of staff members, who were dressed in cute, funny, or scary costumes, to enter, along with their parents and families, for a special Trick-or Trick event. As the children, families, and some staff, dressed in costumes, gathered in the Administration Wing, there was much laughter, chatter, and anticipation as they waited for the signal to begin their parade throughout the facility.

Residents eagerly awaited the Trick-or-Treaters, as they sat in their hallway, holding Halloween bowls, provided for them by staff, which contained the candy and other treats on this happy occasion. The residents were just as excited as the children, as they had the opportunity to continue the tradition of providing treats for Trick-or-Treaters. The residents laughed and had a good time seeing the children in their costumes and watching the antics of the excited and thankful children. Some staff members also brought in their canine friends, some of which were also in costumes.

As you can see, a picture tells a thousand words!