Christmas Music and Christmas Tree Decorating at MVNRC

Christmas Music and Christmas Tree Decorating at MVNRC

On December 5th, 2023, the residents of Mahoning Valley Nursing and Rehabilitation Center were invited to participate in a special music program featuring Glenn Miller, playing his accordion and singing some favorite Christmas songs.  Glenn is also a favorite entertainer, as he enjoys joking with and teasing staff and residents, all in good fun.

As Glenn was entertaining everyone with his music, activity staff members, Nancy S. and Mary C., decorated the tree.  As the tree decorating continued, residents were asked where additional ornaments and trimmings were needed to be placed, so the tree wouldn’t have bare areas. Within the hour, the tree was decorated to everyone’s satisfaction.

“Oh, Christmas tree, oh Christmas Tree, how lovely are thy branches.”

Making Christmas Cookies for 2021

Who doesn’t like to make Christmas cookies??  The dietary staff of Mahoning makes sure every year the residents get to make some cookies to eat during our Friendship Tea of December.  We make AP, chocolate chip, and peanut butter cookies.  It is so much fun to cut out and decorate them.  But the best part is to eat them.  Here are some pictures of the residents prepping the cookies.


We are in full swing of Christmas here at Mahoning Valley. Activity staff decked the halls which involve putting a wreath on each room’s door and throughout the hallways. Decorating each Dining Room with a small tree and getting the Nurses’ Desk all decked out. Our big Christmas Tree in the Grande Room was decorated by Activity staff, while Glenn Miller, THE ONE MAN BAND, came to entertain our residents.


Christmas Crafts

In-room Christmas Crafting

Although we are still not having group activities within the facility, we are doing small individual activities in each resident’s room (as accepted). 

Here are some video clips and pictures of residents who participated in a Christmas Craft.  They enjoyed making Christmas Trees and/or snowflakes. It was a fun time as well as good therapy for their fingers.


Christmas was different this year

What is the importance of celebrating Christmas?

For many Christmas holds a very special place in our hearts, with a powerful religious significance drawing us closer to one another in a cheerful and happy celebration. 

It’s also a great time of the year to enjoy the social aspects of the holiday.  Parties, family gatherings, group meals, and gift exchanges all come to mind.  A time to just enjoy each other and time spent with one another.

While Christmas was definitely different this year due to the pandemic, staff at MVNRC still wanted to share some Christmas joy and cheer with our Residents.  

We had staff dress up and paraded up and down the wings playing and singing Christmas music.

We even had the Jolly old man “Saint Nick” himself come and wave to residents and staff.  Please click through the pictures and videos that the staff captured on Christmas Eve afternoon while they were singing and dancing through the halls.