Alcohol Health Risks and Benefits

When it comes to health risks and benefits, drinking alcohol is something of a double-edged sword.

Alcohol Benefits - MVNRC
Alcohol and the Elderly

When it comes to health risks and benefits, drinking alcohol is something of a double-edged sword. Some research suggests that moderate alcohol consumption may protect against heart disease and all-causes of mortality. Conversely, heavy drinking has been linked to a range of serious health consequences that include certain cancers, heart disease, and damage to the nervous system (including the brain). With this in mind, a new study provides a more nuanced look at alcohol consumption and its effects. When researchers focused on individuals aged 65 years and older, they found that, while 35 percent in this age group suffered alcohol-related deaths, a whopping 80 percent of deaths were prevented by alcohol in this demographic.

P.S. Moderate alcohol consumption may help older individuals live longer by reducing their risk of developing and dying from heart disease, ischemic stroke, and diabetes. Moderation is key.


Source: (w.c.117)(GERON0219D)

Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, Dr. Timothy Naimi, Boston Medical Center